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  • 1161 SW Wilshire Blvd. Burleson 76028
  • 817.426.9913
  • 1161 SW Wilshire Blvd. Burleson 76028
  • 817.426.9913

SPJST Lodge 180 donates $3500 to the Foundation

The Burleson Police Foundation received the largest donation to date from Lodge #180 of the Slovanska Podporujici Jednota Statu Texas (SPJST). The presentation was made to the Foundation at the Burleson Police Department on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 by Nancy Kelly and several members of Lodge #180, including District Three Director John Joseph Engeljke. Ms. Kelly approached Chief Cordell a few months earlier to learn about the newly created Burleson Police Foundation. After the conversation, the Lodge members agreed to sell t-shirts and hats as a fundraiser for the Foundation.

The Burleson Police Foundation is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization formed in November 2016. The Foundation’s main goals are to support the Burleson Police Department’s annual banquet, and to provide training and equipment for the staff members beyond what would be expected from the department’s budget.

SPJST gave credit to several businesses in the Burleson area for supporting their Helping Hands Outreach program that provides them the ability to give back to the community. The Foundation greatly appreciates the generosity of SPJST Lodge #180 for their support of the Foundation. This money will be used to honor BPD’s staff for outstanding service, as well as train and equip them to better serve the citizens of Burleson.Foundation members Patsy Dumas, Jeff Silverman, and Cleve Weyenberg, Jr. accepted the $3,500 check on behalf of the Foundation.

In addition to the donation to the Foundation, SPJST also donated $500 to the Burleson Police Teddy Bear program. The program provides teddy bears to children that witness a traumatic incident.

Nancy Kelly (right) presents the check to Foundation Board members Patsy Dumas, Jeff Silverman, and Cleve Weyenberg Jr.
SPJST Lodge #180 with the Foundation members

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